Integration Mesh

Connect all your business tools into one platform, including Slack, AWS, SAP, and 400+ others

No-code Smart Workflow Studio

Drag and drop from 100+ pre-build automation and decision units in minutes to get a unique workflow for your business automation

Developer Workbench

Bring your custom automation ideas to life with a powerful toolkit for developers

Autoremediation and Predictions

Use smart behavioral analytics and decision units to prevent incidents before they impact your business


Improve interactions in your teams with in-time notifications and information exchange

Bot Analytics

Illuminate important business processes and get insights for smart management decisions

Feb 7th | Botprise and AWS | Event

Upcoming Event | AWS | Botprise

Join Botprise and AWS to be part of No-code Security Autoremediation! Feb 7th | Botprise and AWS | Event No-Code Auto Remediation on AWS with Botprise ✅ No-code ✅ Security ✅ Cloud ✅ Hyperautomation We would be glad to...

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Botprise & GitLab

Botprise, Inc and GitLab are glad to announce the Technology partnership to deliver smartbots solutions and Automation of DevSecOps GitLab is known for proven experience in:– DevSecOps cycle– Monitoring – Govern – Security Botprise smartbots learn IT issues and apply the right...

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Botprise & RedHat

Botprise, Inc and Red Hat are technology partners! Botprise, Inc and Red Hat are technology partners!We are glad to announce that Botprise, Inc and Red Hat have settled a technology partnership. With Botprise, Inc and Red Hat in play,...

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Botprise and AppDynamics (Marketplace)

Botprise is on AppDynamics Marketplace

Add Your Heading Text Here Botprise is glad to announce that you can find us on AppDynamics Marketplace! Make decisions based on AppDynamics metrics and resolve the issues via Botprise, Inc Automations. Users of AppDynamics rely on it for...

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Create Botprise Automation Units from API!

Create Botprise Automation Units from API! Botprise support creating Automation from API. Non-tech users can create Botprise Automation Units in two minutes.  BAU API Modeller – is a completely new feature that you would like. The BAU Modeller is...

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Welcome Our New Advisors!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Bill Philbin and Keyvan Bohlooli to our Advisory Board at Botprise! Bill Philbin – He has over 30 years of high technology experience with P&L responsibility managing engineering, services, marketing, and...

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Announcement about Botprise&New Relic Integration

January 21, 2021 – Sunnyvale, CA – New Relic is an observability platform built to help engineers create more perfect software. From monoliths to serverless, you can instrument everything, then analyze, troubleshoot, and optimize your entire software stack. All...

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Botprise and Advizex Announce the Partnership

Sunnyvale, Jan. 11, 2021 – Rolta AdvizeX and Botprise announced the partnership to deliver smartbots solutions from IT Operations to Security  throughout North America. Rolta Advizex is a national partner and a trusted advisor for over 45 years providing...

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