Integration Mesh

Connect all your business tools into one platform, including Slack, AWS, SAP, and 400+ others

No-code Smart Workflow Studio

Drag and drop from 100+ pre-build automation and decision units in minutes to get a unique workflow for your business automation

Developer Workbench

Bring your custom automation ideas to life with a powerful toolkit for developers

Autoremediation and Predictions

Use smart behavioral analytics and decision units to prevent incidents before they impact your business


Improve interactions in your teams with in-time notifications and information exchange

Bot Analytics

Illuminate important business processes and get insights for smart management decisions

Create Botprise Automation Units from API!

Oksana Riabichko
Oksana Riabichko

Oksana is highly driven Head of Operations with exstansive experience in Management including Business Strategy, Operations and Consulting. Have proven hands-on record of solving technical, management and strategic issues. An excellent and extremely personable communicator proficient at tailoring information to meet the needs of the customer.

January 6, 2023

Create Botprise Automation Units from API!

Botprise support creating Automation from API. Non-tech users can create Botprise Automation Units in two minutes. 

BAU API Modeller – is a completely new feature that you would like. The BAU Modeller is asking users only about few inputs and will create the new BAU. All what is required is the documentation of the API you are going to use. After setting up the BAU in BAU (API) Modeller it will be ready to use with all existing apps and other Botprise Units. With this approach, the user is able to create a solution in a few clicks and the solution will be fully integrated with all Botprise solutions.


The Most Frequent Question: 

– Can I use self-made BAUs with existing apps?

– Yes, all new BAU can be added to any of already existed app.


– Can I create an automation from couple of self-made API Modeller BAUs?

– Yes, after the BAU was created in API Modeller it is considered as a Botprise Automation Unit and has no limitation in use or integrating with other Botprise Units. 


– After creating the BAU in API modeller it will be avialiable to other Botprise users?

– It depends on restriction, after creation of BAU the Botprise platform will ask you about access requirements (It can be private, can be available for your company users only and public).